Exceptionally Fast Temperature Probe (TC Type K) | Testo by Muser
Exceptionally Fast Temperature Probe (TC Type K) | Testo by Muser
Testo 0554 0592 5-meter Extension Cable for TC Type K | Testo by Muser
Testo 0554 0592 5-meter Extension Cable for TC Type K | Testo by Muser
Testo 0602 0646 Type K Temperature Sensor (PTFE)
Testo 0602 0646 Type K Temperature Sensor (PTFE)
RM 213.00
Testo 0602 5792 Immersion Measuring Tip (TC Plug Type K)
Testo 0602 5792 Immersion Measuring Tip (TC Plug Type K)
RM 207.00
Testo 0602 5693 Flexible Immersion Measuring Tip Probe
Testo 0602 5693 Flexible Immersion Measuring Tip Probe
RM 365.00
Testo 0602 0645 Glass Fibre Type K Temperature Sensor
Testo 0602 0645 Glass Fibre Type K Temperature Sensor
RM 207.00
Testo 0602 1293 Waterproof Immersion/Penetration Probe
Testo 0602 1293 Waterproof Immersion/Penetration Probe
RM 316.00
Testo 0602 0644 Glass Fibre Type K Temperature Sensor
Testo 0602 0644 Glass Fibre Type K Temperature Sensor
RM 134.00
Testo 0602 0993 | Fast-action, angled surface probe (TC type K)
Testo 0602 0993 | Fast-action, angled surface probe (TC type K)
Testo 0628 0020 | Temperature probe with Velcro (TC Type K)
Testo 0628 0020 | Temperature probe with Velcro (TC Type K)
Testo 0628 0026 | Waterproof, superfast needle probe (TC type K)
Testo 0628 0026 | Waterproof, superfast needle probe (TC type K)
Testo 0628 1292 | Waterproof, robust immersion/penetration probe (TC type K)
Testo 0628 1292 | Waterproof, robust immersion/penetration probe (TC type K)
RM 664.00
Testo 0628 7533 | Temperature probe with stainless steel sleeve (TC Type K)
Testo 0628 7533 | Temperature probe with stainless steel sleeve (TC Type K)
Testo 0628 9992 | Stable, robust surface probe (TC type K)
Testo 0628 9992 | Stable, robust surface probe (TC type K)
Testo 0602 2292 | Waterproof Stainless Steel Food Probe (TC type K)
Testo 0602 2292 | Waterproof Stainless Steel Food Probe (TC type K)
RM 548.00
Testo 0602 1993 | Surface Probe with Widened Measuring Tip (TC type K)
Testo 0602 1993 | Surface Probe with Widened Measuring Tip (TC type K)
Testo 0572 9001 | Temperature probe with penetration tip (TC Type K)
Testo 0572 9001 | Temperature probe with penetration tip (TC Type K)
RM 412.00
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